
Personal Transformation on a One to One Basis

Dear Saadhak (One wants to be on a spiritual journey)

Do you feel that you are not where you want to be spiritually? Do you feel like you are not getting the benefit you desire from attending the pooja/samayik/jaap/tap? Do you like to attend discourses but then don’t find yourself remembering everything or able to apply it in your daily life? Do you feel like you are maintaining your religious routine but don’t feel like you are seeing significant growth on a spiritual level?

If ‘yes’is the answer to these questions and you would like to grow spiritually, as well as interested to have a personal mentor, I would like to draw your attention to an upcoming spiritual curriculum program. Shri Saman Shrutpragyaji will be your personal spiritual Margdarshak. He will be your one-on-one guide. In a personal session, he will assess your current situation, your desired level of commitment and then lay out a plan to guide you. Thereafter, he will regularly monitor and check with you to see your progress and, if necessary, modify guidance/recommendations based on your commitment.