Music is the soul of the universe, giving wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.
Established legally as a not-for-profit foundation under the inspiration and guidance of Saman Shrutpragyaji in 2006, the Peace of Mind Foundation, situated in the city of Rajkot, in Gujarat, India, has been founded upon the fundamental value of peace.
Check the list of best upcoming Events and activities happening today, tomorrow and this weekend. Explore all upcoming events in Rajkot
ViewShrutpragyaji has established the "Peace of Mind Foundation" in Rajkot
Project Aastha Project ManzilHands that serve, are better than those that pray. Selfless Service is our way to pay our rental debt to mother Earth. You, and only YOU, can repay this debt
Read MoreI really liked working with Samanji and seeing how he spoke to audiences. His demeanor and tone are so pure and caring that it so easy to learn just by interacting with him.
This trip has made an everlasting impact on my life by teaching me to be grateful for the blessed life I live and reminding me to always keep on working and lifting up those who need an extra helping hand. I will never forget the vivid moments from each event that touched my heart so deeply and filled me with a flood of emotions.
I have cried, laughed, felt privileged, strong and weak in just 7 days; and if this is not a lifetime achievement, I do not know what is!
I find the work of the Peace of Mind Foundation to be educationally empowering, socially inspiring, and spiritually enriching - always honoured to participate in its activities.
The deadly Corona Virus has shown a different side, as, for me, as it has become a Karuna (Compassion) Virus. This is because I have achieved so many great things within just the past 38 days. I did not reach such a height even over the last 38 years of my entire life. It is all due to Samanji. He has been teaching me so many great principles of Jain Dharma in a simple style. When I started my spiritual journey with Samanji, I never knew that my mental illness and problems would disappear. Not only that, I have truly become a spiritual woman now. Samanji also showed me the path of meditation, which has changed my whole life completely. Truly this lockdown has been beneficial, inspirational and joyful for me. All the credit goes to Samanji for the golden opportunity he gave me. Sadpurush words are powerful to change life and correctly calibrates it. Now I have no complaint in life, no demand from it. I am blessed by Samanji. Abhipsa Baa(Himatnagar - Sabarkantha) Gujarat - Inida
Please allow me to express my feelings and experience towards your pravachan mala during this Covid19. Usually when ever I became job less feel lot of pressure, worry etc. This time I have just leave everything on god’s hand - as you mentioned with example in your pravachan no 2. I actually started looking for job but not being panic any more this is a big big difference. Also, listening all pravachans I learn lot of new things and feel really good I did not even know that I have this quality. Staying calm, do all necessary task for my family and work on my self mean observing my actions, knowing them what is not correct try to fix them. Create a good healthy routine in my daily life including meditation time plus read/ listen pravachan/ stotra/ mantra jap and I am surprised how I be able to set all tasks in my life!! Thanks to you Lakh lakh Vandana from Varsha Bhavsar (NJ - USA)
જય જીનેન્દ્ર સમણજી હાલમાં વિશ્વમાં જયારે કોરોના ( COVID-19 )વાઇરસે જયારે ભરડો લીધો છે ત્યારે તેનાંથી બચવા અને અમારા જીવનને એક નવો જ દ્રષ્ટિકોણ આપવા માટે આપ સંકટ સમયે જ ગુરુ તરીકે માર્ગદર્શક બની અડીખમ ઉભા રહ્યાં છો. જેમાં આપે આપની તપશ્ચર્યા/સાધના વડે જે કાંઈ સિદ્ધિ અને જ્ઞાન સિદ્ધ કર્યું છે તે દ્વારા અમોને 51 દિવસના દૈનિક સત્સંગ દ્વારા લાભાન્વિત અને પ્રભાવિત કર્યા છે તે બદલ આપના ઋણી અને આભારી છીએ.ઉપરોક્ત 51 સત્સંગોથી અમારા દૈનિક અને નિજી જીવનમાં જ નહીં પરંતુ સમગ્ર વિશ્વનાં સજીવ/નિર્જીવ જીવ માત્ર પ્રત્યે દયા-લાગણી, પ્રેમ, કરુણા અને હુંફ જેવાં સદગુણોનો વિકાસ થયો છે. આપે અમારા જીવનમાંથી કામ, લોભ, મોહ, ક્રોધ-ભય જેવા વિકારોથી મુક્ત કરી ભય મુકત કર્યા છે. હવે અમો અમારાં દૈનિક જીવનમાં સુખ-દુઃખથી અલિપ્ત હર્ષ, આનંદ , પ્રસન્નતા અને નિરંતર શાંતિનો અદભૂત અને અકલ્પિય અનુભવ કરી રહ્યાં છીએ. આપના દ્વારા ઉપરોક્ત 51 સત્સંગો બાદ જે ત્રણ કસોટીઓનું જે આયોજન કરવામાં આવ્યું તે ખરેખર પ્રસંશનીય રહયું કારણ કે આવી કસોટીઓ વડે જ પુનઃ વાંચન શ્રવણ દ્વારા જીવન પ્રત્યે સતત જાગૃત રહી જ્ઞાનવર્ધન અને જીવનને ધબકતું રાખી પ્રસન્નતા આનંદ અને શાંતિની અનુભૂતિ કરતા રહીએ છીએ. આપની આવીજ લાગણી પ્રેમ હુંફ, દયા અને આશીર્વાદ અમારાં પર વરસાવતા રહો તેવી ભાવના સહ... મનસુખભાઇ કેસુરના જય જીનેન્દ્ર અને ચરણ વંદન
Pujya Samanji Vandami Namam Sami! This is Kaishal from San Francisco Bay Area. I just wanted to keep you posted on how I am doing. I had retired since March 2020. Since then I have implemented lot of positive changes into my daily routine. Since March, I have been doing 3 hours of Yogic Exercise, Asanas, Pranayam and Meditation daily. I usually wake-up around 5.00am to 5.30am in the morning to start my day. Physically, mentally and emotionally, I feel very good. Life has become very happy and peaceful. I have not been taking any medication since last 2-3 years. My health has been very good in all respect. As you know, I had learned from you when you came first to the Bay Area in 1992 and 1993. I started doing this everyday in 2020, after my retirement. It has been only 3 months but feels that my life has changed forever for good. I know that you had worked very hard to give us all your knowledge. You have supported me during my challenging time. While I can't express in words your contribution to my well being, I wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. You had given us all this treasure with so much love. Dipti is also doing fine. She has also said Vandami Namam Sami! Now we will be in touch more frequently.